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Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Nessy,makhluk aneh dari skotlandia


Loch Ness 
The term "monster" was reportedly applied for the first time to the creature on 2 May 1933 by Alex Campbell, the water bailiff for Loch Ness and a part-time journalist, in a report in the Inverness Courier . [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] On 4 August 1933, the Courier published as a full news item the claim of a London man, George Spicer, that a few weeks earlier while motoring around the Loch, he and his wife had seen "the nearest approach to a dragon or pre-historic animal that I have ever seen in my life", trundling across the road toward the Loch carrying "an animal" in its mouth. [ 8 ] Other letters began appearing in the Courier , often anonymously, with claims of land or water sightings, either on the writer's part or on the parts of family, acquaintances or stories they remembered being told. [ 9 ] These stories soon reached the national (and later the international) press, which described a "monster fish", "sea serpent", or "dragon", [ 10 ] eventually settling on "Loch Ness Monster". [ 11 ] On 6 December 1933 the first purported photograph of the monster, taken by Hugh Gray, was published, [ 12 ] and shortly after the creature received official notice when the Secretary of State for Scotland ordered the police to prevent any attacks on it. [ 13 ] In 1934, interest was further sparked by what is known as The Surgeon's Photograph . Istilah "" rakasa dilaporkan diterapkan untuk pertama kalinya untuk makhluk pada tanggal 2 Mei 1933 oleh Alex Campbell, jurusita air untuk Loch Ness dan waktu wartawan bagian, dalam laporan di Courier Inverness. [5] [6] [7] Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 1933, Kurir diterbitkan sebagai berita penuh klaim seorang pria London, George Spicer, bahwa beberapa minggu sebelumnya, sedangkan otomotif sekitar Loch, dia dan istrinya telah melihat "pendekatan terdekat untuk naga atau hewan pra-sejarah yang pernah saya lihat dalam hidup saya ", berkeliling di seberang jalan menuju Loch membawa" binatang "dalam mulutnya. [8] surat lain mulai muncul di Courier, sering anonim, dengan klaim tanah atau air penampakan, baik pada penulis bagian atau pada bagian keluarga, kenalan atau cerita-cerita mereka ingat diberitahu. [9] Cerita-cerita ini segera mencapai tekan (dan kemudian internasional) nasional, yang menggambarkan sebuah "ikan rakasa", "laut ular ", atau" naga ", [10] akhirnya menetap di "Rakasa Loch Ness". [11] Pada tanggal 6 Desember 1933, foto diklaim pertama rakasa, diambil oleh Hugh Gray, diterbitkan, [12] dan segera setelah makhluk menerima pemberitahuan resmi ketika Sekretaris Negara untuk Skotlandia memerintahkan polisi untuk mencegah serangan di atasnya. [13] Pada tahun 1934, bunga lebih lanjut dipicu oleh apa yang dikenal sebagai The Surgeon's Foto . In the same year RT Gould published a book, [ 14 ] the first of many that describe the author's personal investigation and collected record of additional reports pre-dating the summer of 1933. Pada tahun yang sama RT Gould menerbitkan sebuah buku, [14] yang pertama dari banyak yang menggambarkan pribadi penulis penyelidikan dan mengumpulkan catatan laporan pre-dating musim panas 1933. Other authors have claimed that sightings of the monster go as far back as the 6th century (seen below). penulis lain menyatakan bahwa penampakan rakasa perjalanan sejauh abad ke-6 (lihat di bawah).

History Sejarah

Saint Columba Saint Columba

The earliest report of a monster associated with the vicinity of Loch Ness appears in the Life of St. Columba by Adomnán , written in the 7th century. [ 15 ] According to Adomnán, writing about a century after the events he described, the Irish monk Saint Columba was staying in the land of the Picts with his companions when he came across the locals burying a man by the River Ness . Laporan awal dari sebuah rakasa terkait dengan sekitar Loch Ness muncul di Kehidupan St Columba oleh Adomnán , yang ditulis pada abad ke-7. [15] Menurut Adomnán, menulis tentang satu abad setelah peristiwa ia menggambarkan, biarawan Irlandia Saint Columba tinggal di negeri orang Picts dengan temannya ketika ia datang di penduduk setempat menguburkan seorang pria oleh Sungai Ness . They explained that the man had been swimming the river when he was attacked by a "water beast" that had mauled him and dragged him under. Mereka menjelaskan bahwa manusia telah berenang sungai ketika ia diserang oleh seorang "binatang air" yang telah dianiaya dan menyeretnya ke bawah. They tried to rescue him in a boat, but were able only to drag up his corpse. Mereka mencoba menyelamatkan dia dalam perahu, namun hanya mampu menyeret mayatnya. Hearing this, Columba stunned the Picts by sending his follower Luigne moccu Min to swim across the river. Mendengar ini, Columba mengejutkan Picts dengan mengirimkan pengikutnya Luigne moccu Min untuk berenang menyeberangi sungai. The beast came after him, but Columba made the sign of the cross and commanded: "Go no further. Do not touch the man. Go back at once." [ 16 ] The beast immediately halted as if it had been "pulled back with ropes" and fled in terror, and both Columba's men and the pagan Picts praised God for the miracle. [ 16 ] Binatang itu datang setelah dia, tapi Columba membuat tanda salib dan memerintahkan: "Pergilah sekali tidak lebih. Jangan sentuhan pada manusia. Kembali." [16] binatang segera dihentikan seolah-olah telah "ditarik kembali dengan tali "dan lari ketakutan, dan kedua laki-laki Columba dan Picts kafir memuji Tuhan untuk mukjizat. [16]
Believers in the Loch Ness Monster often point to this story, which notably takes place on the River Ness rather than the loch itself, as evidence for the creature's existence as early as the 6th century. [ 17 ] However, sceptics question the narrative's reliability, noting that water-beast stories were extremely common in medieval saints' Lives ; as such, Adomnán's tale is likely a recycling of a common motif attached to a local landmark. [ 18 ] According to the sceptics, Adomnán's story may be independent of the modern Loch Ness Monster legend entirely, only becoming attached to it in retrospect by believers seeking to bolster their claims. [ 17 ] Additionally, in an article for Cryptozoology , AC Thomas notes that even if there were some truth to the story, it could be explained rationally as an encounter with a walrus or similar creature that had swum up the river. [ 17 ] R. Orang-orang percaya dalam Rakasa Loch Ness sering menunjuk cerita ini, yang terutama terjadi di Ness Sungai daripada Loch itu sendiri, sebagai bukti untuk makhluk keberadaan pada awal abad ke-6. [17] Namun, skeptis pertanyaan narasi's kehandalan, mencatat bahwa air-binatang cerita yang sangat umum pada orang kudus Kehidupan abad pertengahan, dengan demikian,'s kisah Adomnán ini mungkin daur ulang dari sebuah motif umum terpasang ke tengara lokal. [18] Menurut skeptis, cerita Adomnán mungkin independen dari modern Loch Ness legenda Rakasa seluruhnya, hanya menjadi melekat dalam retrospeksi oleh orang percaya berusaha untuk memperkuat klaim mereka. [17] Selain itu, dalam sebuah artikel untuk Cryptozoology, AC Thomas mencatat bahwa bahkan jika ada beberapa kebenaran cerita, itu bisa dijelaskan rasional sebagai sebuah perjumpaan dengan walrus serupa makhluk atau yang berenang sampai sungai. [17] R. Binns acknowledges that this account is the most serious of various alleged early sighting of the monster, but argues that all other claims of monster sightings prior to 1933 are highly dubious and do not prove that there was a tradition of the monster before this date. [ 6 ] Binns mengakui bahwa akun ini adalah yang paling serius dari awal peninjauan berbagai dugaan rakasa, tapi berpendapat bahwa semua klaim lain penampakan rakasa sebelum 1933 sangat meragukan dan tidak membuktikan bahwa ada tradisi rakasa sebelum tanggal ini. [ 6]

Spicers (1933) Spicers (1933)

Modern interest in the monster was sparked by the 22 July 1933 sighting, when George Spicer and his wife saw 'a most extraordinary form of animal' cross the road in front of their car. [ 8 ] They described the creature as having a large body (about 4 feet (1 m) high and 25 feet (8 m) long), and long, narrow neck, slightly thicker than an elephant's trunk and as long as the 10–12-foot (3–4 m) width of the road; the neck had a number of undulations in it. Modern minat rakasa itu dipicu oleh penampakan Juli 22 1933, saat George Spicer dan istrinya melihat 'sebuah bentuk paling luar biasa binatang' menyeberang jalan di depan mobil mereka. [8] Mereka menggambarkan makhluk ini memiliki tubuh besar (sekitar 4 kaki (1 m) dan tinggi 25 kaki (8 m) panjang), dan panjang, leher yang sempit, sedikit lebih tebal dari belalai gajah dan selama lebar (3-4 m) 10-12-kaki jalan; leher memiliki sejumlah undulations di dalamnya. They saw no limbs, possibly because of a dip in the road obscuring the animal's lower portion. [ 19 ] It lurched across the road towards the loch 20 yards (20 m) away, leaving only a trail of broken undergrowth in its wake. [ 19 ] Mereka tidak melihat anggota tubuh, mungkin karena berenang di jalan mengaburkan hewan rendah porsi. [19] Ini meluncur di seberang jalan menuju 20 yard Loch (20 m) jauhnya, hanya menyisakan jejak semak patah di belakangnya. [ 19]
In August 1933 a motorcyclist named Arthur Grant claimed to have nearly hit the creature while approaching Abriachan on the north-eastern shore, at about 1 am on a moonlit night. Pada Agustus 1933 seorang pengendara sepeda motor bernama Arthur Grant mengklaim telah hampir memukul makhluk sambil mendekati Abriachan di pantai utara-timur, pada sekitar 1 pagi pada malam bulan purnama. Grant claimed that he saw a small head attached to a long neck, and that the creature saw him and crossed the road back into the loch. Grant menyatakan bahwa ia melihat sebuah kepala kecil yang melekat pada leher panjang, dan bahwa makhluk itu melihat dia dan menyeberang jalan kembali ke danau. Grant said he dismounted and followed it to the loch, but only saw ripples. [ 14 ] [ 20 ] However some believe this story was intended as a humorous explanation of a motorcycle accident. [ 21 ] Grant mengatakan ia turun dan mengikuti ke danau, tetapi hanya melihat riak. [14] [20] Namun sebagian orang percaya cerita ini dimaksudkan sebagai penjelasan lucu dari sebuah kecelakaan sepeda motor. [21]
Sporadic land sightings continued until 1963, when film of the creature was shot in the loch from a distance of 4 Kilometers. penampakan tanah sporadis berlanjut sampai tahun 1963, ketika film makhluk itu ditembak di danau dari jarak 4 Kilometer. Because of the distance it was shot at it has been described as poor quality. [ 22 ] Karena jarak itu ditembak di itu telah digambarkan sebagai kualitas yang buruk. [22]

Chief Constable William Fraser Kepala Polisi William Fraser

In 1938, Inverness Shire Chief Constable William Fraser penned a letter stating that it was beyond doubt the monster existed. Pada tahun 1938, Inverness Shire Kepala Polisi William Fraser menulis surat yang menyatakan bahwa ia diragukan rakasa yang ada. His letter expressed concern regarding a hunting party that had arrived armed with a specially-made harpoon gun and were determined to catch the monster "dead or alive". Suratnya menyatakan keprihatinan mengenai pesta berburu yang tiba bersenjata dengan senapan harpun khusus buatan dan bertekad untuk menangkap rakasa "hidup atau mati". He believed his power to protect the monster from the hunters was "very doubtful". Ia percaya kekuasaannya untuk melindungi rakasa dari pemburu adalah "sangat diragukan". The letter was released by the National Archives of Scotland on 27 April 2010. [ 23 ] Surat itu dirilis oleh Arsip Nasional Skotlandia pada tanggal 27 April 2010. [23]

CB Farrel (1943) CB Farrel (1943)

In May 1943, CB Farrel of the Royal Observer Corps was supposedly distracted from his duties by a Nessie sighting. Pada bulan Mei 1943, CB Farrel dari Royal Observer Corps diduga terganggu dari tugas-tugasnya dengan penampakan Nessie. He claimed to have been about 250 yards (230 m) away from a large-eyed, 'finned' creature, which had a 20-to-30-foot (6 to 9 m) long body, and a neck that protruded about 4–5 feet (1.2–1.5 m) out of the water. [ 24 ] Ia mengaku telah sekitar 250 meter (230 m) dari suatu-besar bermata, 'bersirip' makhluk, yang memiliki tubuh yang panjang 20-to-30-kaki (6 sampai 9 m), dan leher yang menonjol sekitar 4 -5 kaki (1,2-1,5 m) keluar dari air. [24]

Sonar contact (1954) Sonar menghubungi (1954)

In December 1954 a strange sonar contact was made by the fishing boat Rival III . Pada bulan Desember 1954 kontak sonar yang aneh dilakukan oleh kapal nelayan Rival III. The vessel's crew observed sonar readings of a large object keeping pace with the boat at a depth of 480 feet (146 m). Para kru kapal diamati pembacaan sonar sebuah objek besar sejalan dengan perahu pada kedalaman 480 kaki (146 m). It was detected travelling for half a mile (800 m) in this manner, before contact was lost, but then found again later. [ 24 ] Many sonar attempts had been made previously, but most were either inconclusive or negative. Hal itu terdeteksi bepergian untuk setengah mil (800 m) dengan cara ini, sebelum kontak hilang, tetapi kemudian ditemukan lagi nanti. [24] Banyak upaya sonar telah dibuat sebelumnya, tetapi kebanyakan entah meyakinkan atau negatif.

Photographs and films Foto dan film

"Surgeon's Photograph" (1934) "'s Foto surgeon" (1934)

Surgeon's Photograph Surgeon's Foto
One of the most iconic images of Nessie is known as the "Surgeon's Photograph". Salah satu gambar yang paling ikon Nessie dikenal sebagai "Surgeon's Foto". Its importance lies in the fact that it was the first photo and only photographic evidence of a “head and neck” – all the others are humps or disturbances. [ 25 ] Dr. pentingnya terletak pada kenyataan bahwa itu adalah foto pertama dan bukti fotografi hanya "kepala dan leher" - yang lainnya gundukan atau gangguan. semua [25] Dr Wilson claimed he was looking at the loch when he saw the monster, so grabbed his camera and snapped five photos. Wilson mengklaim bahwa ia melihat danau ketika ia melihat rakasa, sehingga menyambar kamera dan bentak lima foto. After the film was developed, only two exposures were clear. Setelah film ini dikembangkan, hanya dua eksposur yang jelas. The first photo (the more publicised one) shows what was claimed to be a small head and back. Foto pertama (yang lebih dipublikasikan satu) menunjukkan apa yang diklaim menjadi kepala kecil dan kembali. The second one, a blurry image, attracted little publicity because it was difficult to interpret what was depicted. Yang kedua, gambar kabur, menarik perhatian yang sedikit karena sulit untuk menginterpretasikan apa yang digambarkan. The image was revealed as a hoax in 1994. [ 26 ] [ 27 ] Supposedly taken by Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London gynaecologist , it was published in the Daily Mail on 21 April 1934. [ 28 ] Wilson's refusal to have his name associated with the photograph led to it being called "Surgeon's Photograph". [ 29 ] The strangely small ripples on the photo fit the size and of circular pattern of small ripples as opposed to large waves when photographed up close. Gambar itu dinyatakan sebagai tipuan pada tahun 1994. [26] [27] Seharusnya diambil oleh Robert Kenneth Wilson, London ginekolog , diterbitkan dalam Daily Mail pada tanggal 21 April 1934. [28] 's penolakan Wilson memiliki namanya yang terkait dengan foto menyebabkan itu disebut "Surgeon's Foto". [29] The riak kecil aneh pada foto sesuai dengan ukuran dan pola lingkaran riak kecil dibandingkan dengan gelombang besar ketika difoto dari dekat. Analysis of the original uncropped image fostered further doubt. Analisis citra uncropped asli dibina keraguan lebih lanjut. A year before the hoax was revealed, the makers of Discovery Communications 's documentary Loch Ness Discovered analysed the uncropped image and found a white object was visible in every version of the photo, implying it was on the negative. Setahun sebelum kebohongan itu terungkap, pembuat Discovery Communications dokumenter s 'Loch Ness Ditemukan menganalisa gambar uncropped dan menemukan objek putih terlihat di setiap versi foto tersebut, menyiratkan hal itu pada hal yang negatif. "It seems to be the source of ripples in the water, almost as if the object was towed by something", the narrator said. "Ini tampaknya menjadi sumber riak-riak dalam air, seolah-olah benda itu ditarik oleh sesuatu", narator kata. "But science cannot rule out it was just a blemish on the negative", he continued. "Tapi ilmu pengetahuan tidak dapat mengesampingkan itu hanya sebuah noda pada hal yang negatif", lanjutnya. Additionally, analysis of the full photograph revealed the object was quite small, only about 60 to 90 cm (2 to 3 ft) long. [ 30 ] Selain itu, analisis foto penuh mengungkapkan obyek cukup kecil, hanya sekitar 60 sampai 90 cm (2 sampai 3 kaki) panjang. [30]
In 1979 it was claimed to be a picture of an elephant (see below). Pada tahun 1979 itu diklaim sebagai gambar dari gajah (lihat di bawah). Other sceptics in the 1980s argued the photo was that of an otter or a diving bird, but after Christian Spurling's confession most agree it was what Spurling claimed – a toy submarine with a sculpted head attached. [ 30 ] Details of how the photo was accomplished were published in the 1999 book, Nessie – the Surgeon's Photograph Exposed . [ 31 ] Essentially, it was a toy submarine with a head and neck made of plastic wood , built by Christian Spurling, the son-in-law of Marmaduke Wetherell, a big game hunter who had been publicly ridiculed in the Daily Mail , the newspaper that employed him. skeptis lain pada tahun 1980 berpendapat foto itu yang dari berang-berang atau burung menyelam, tapi setelah Spurling's pengakuan Kristen paling setuju itu apa Spurling diklaim - mainan dengan kapal selam diukir terpasang kepala. a [30] Rincian tentang bagaimana foto itu dicapai diterbitkan dalam, buku 1999 Nessie - Surgeon's Foto diolah. yang [31] Pada dasarnya, itu adalah kapal selam mainan dengan kepala dan leher yang terbuat dari kayu plastik , yang dibangun oleh Christian Spurling, anak-dalam-hukum Marmaduke Wetherell, sebuah pertandingan besar pemburu yang telah terbuka diejek di Daily Mail , surat kabar yang mempekerjakan dia. Spurling claimed that to get revenge, Marmaduke Wetherell committed the hoax, with the help of Chris Spurling (a sculpture specialist), his son Ian Marmaduke, who bought the material for the fake Nessie, and Maurice Chambers (an insurance agent), who would call to ask surgeon Robert Kenneth Wilson to offer the pictures to the Daily Mail . [ 32 ] The hoax story is disputed by Henry Bauer , [ 33 ] who claims this debunking is evidence of bias, and asks why the perpetrators did not reveal their plot earlier to embarrass the newspaper. Spurling menyatakan bahwa untuk membalas dendam, Marmaduke Wetherell melakukan kebohongan, dengan bantuan Chris Spurling (spesialis patung), anaknya Ian Marmaduke, yang membeli bahan untuk Nessie palsu, dan Maurice Chambers (seorang agen asuransi), yang akan panggilan untuk meminta ahli bedah Robert Kenneth Wilson untuk menawarkan gambar ke Daily Mail. [32] Cerita tipuan ini dibantah oleh Henry Bauer , [33] yang mengaku membongkar ini adalah bukti dari bias, dan bertanya mengapa pelaku tidak mengungkapkan plot mereka sebelumnya untuk mempermalukan koran. He also claimed that plastic wood did not exist in 1934 (when actually it was a popular DIY and modelling material in the early 1930s [ 34 ] ). Ia juga mengklaim bahwa kayu plastik tidak ada di 1934 (padahal sebenarnya itu adalah DIY populer dan materi pemodelan pada awal 1930-an [34] ).
Alastair Boyd, one of the researchers who uncovered the hoax, argues the Loch Ness Monster is real, and that although the famous photo was hoaxed, that does not mean that all the photos, eyewitness reports, and footage of the monster were as well. Alastair Boyd, salah satu peneliti yang menemukan kebohongan, berpendapat para Rakasa Loch Ness adalah nyata, dan bahwa meskipun foto terkenal hoaxed, itu tidak berarti bahwa semua foto, laporan saksi mata, dan rekaman rakasa itu juga. He also argues that the hoaxed photo is not a good reason to dismiss eyewitness reports and other evidence. [ 35 ] Ia juga berpendapat bahwa foto hoaxed bukan alasan yang baik untuk mengabaikan laporan saksi mata dan bukti lain. [35]

Taylor film (1938) Taylor film (1938)

In 1938, GE Taylor, a South African tourist, filmed something in the loch for three minutes on 16 mm colour film, which was in the possession of Maurice Burton . Pada tahun 1938, GE Taylor, seorang turis Afrika Selatan, sesuatu yang difilmkan di danau selama tiga menit pada tanggal 16 mm film berwarna, yang menjadi milik Maurice Burton . However, Burton refused to show the film to Loch Ness investigators (such as Peter Costello or the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau). Namun, Burton menolak untuk menunjukkan film Loch Ness penyidik (seperti Peter Costello atau Loch Ness Biro Investigasi). A single frame was published in his book The Elusive Monster ; before he retired. Roy P. Mackal , a biologist and cryptozoologist, declared the frame was "positive evidence". [ 36 ] Later, it was shown also to the National Institute of Oceanography, now known as the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. Sebuah single frame diumumkan dalam bukunya The Rakasa sulit dipahami, ia pensiun. Sebelum Roy P. Mackal , seorang ahli biologi dan cryptozoologist, menyatakan frame adalah "bukti positif". [36] Kemudian, hal itu ditunjukkan juga kepada Lembaga Oseanografi Nasional , sekarang dikenal sebagai National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.

Dinsdale film (1960) Dinsdale film (1960)

In 1960, aeronautical engineer Tim Dinsdale filmed a hump crossing the water in a powerful wake unlike that of a boat. [ 37 ] JARIC declared that the object was "probably animate". [ 38 ] Others were sceptical, saying that the "hump" cannot be ruled out as being a boat, [ 39 ] and claimed that when the contrast is increased a man can be clearly seen in a boat. [ 38 ] Pada tahun 1960, insinyur penerbangan Tim Dinsdale difilmkan punuk melintasi air dalam bangun kuat tidak seperti yang dari perahu. [37] Jaric menyatakan bahwa benda itu "mungkin bernyawa". [38] Yang lain skeptis, mengatakan bahwa "punuk" tidak dapat dikesampingkan sebagai perahu, [39] dan mengklaim bahwa ketika kontras ditingkatkan seorang pria dapat dengan jelas dilihat dalam sebuah perahu. [38]
In 1993 Discovery Communications made a documentary called Loch Ness Discovered that featured a digital enhancement of the Dinsdale film. Pada tahun 1993 Discovery Communications membuat sebuah film dokumenter yang disebut Loch Ness Ditemukan yang menampilkan perangkat tambahan digital film Dinsdale. A computer expert who enhanced the film noticed a shadow in the negative that was not very obvious in the positive. Seorang ahli komputer yang ditingkatkan film melihat bayangan dalam negatif yang tidak terlalu jelas dalam hal yang positif. By enhancing and overlaying frames, he found what appeared to be the rear body, the rear flippers, and 1–2 additional humps of a plesiosaur-like body. Dengan frame meningkatkan dan overlay, ia menemukan apa yang tampaknya merupakan badan belakang, sirip belakang, dan 1-2 gundukan tambahan tubuh seperti Plesiosaurus. He said that: "Before I saw the film, I thought the Loch Ness Monster was a load of rubbish. Having done the enhancement, I'm not so sure". [ 35 ] Some have countered this finding by saying that the angle of the film from the horizontal along with sun's angle on that day made shadows underwater unlikely. [ 40 ] Believers (and some non-believers) claim the shape could have been undisturbed water that was only coincidentally shaped like a plesiosaur's rear end. [ 41 ] But the same source also says that there might be a smaller object (hump or head) in front of the hump causing this. [ 41 ] Nonetheless, the enhancement did show a smaller second hump and possibly a third hump. Dia mengatakan bahwa: Sebelum melihat film saya, pikiran itu Loch Ness adalah Rakasa beban sampah. Setelah saya melakukan, perangkat tambahan aku tidak begitu yakin "." [35] Beberapa telah membalas temuan ini dengan mengatakan bahwa sudut film dari horizontal bersama dengan Teman-sudut matahari pada hari yang membuat bayangan di bawah air tidak mungkin. [40] Orang-orang percaya (dan beberapa non-Muslim) Klaim bentuk bisa saja air tidak terganggu itu hanya kebetulan berbentuk seperti itu belakang akhirnya Plesiosaurus sebuah. [41] Tetapi sumber yang sama juga mengatakan bahwa mungkin ada benda yang lebih kecil (punuk atau kepala) di depan punuk yang menyebabkan ini. [41] Meskipun demikian, peningkatan itu menunjukkan punuk kedua yang lebih kecil dan mungkin punuk ketiga. The enhanced film is available here . Film ditingkatkan tersedia di sini .

Holmes video (2007) Holmes video (2007)

On 26 May 2007, Gordon Holmes, a 55-year-old lab technician, captured video of what he said was "this jet black thing, about 45 feet (14 m) long, moving fairly fast in the water." Pada tanggal 26 Mei 2007, Gordon Holmes, seorang teknisi laboratorium 55 tahun, video yang diambil dari apa yang ia katakan adalah "hal yang hitam pekat, sekitar 45 kaki (14 m) panjang, bergerak cukup cepat dalam air." Adrian Shine, a marine biologist at the Loch Ness 2000 centre in Drumnadrochit, has watched the video and plans to analyse it. Adrian Shine, ahli biologi kelautan di pusat Loch Ness 2000 di Drumnadrochit, telah menonton video dan berencana untuk menganalisanya. Shine also described the footage as among "the best footage [he has] ever seen." [ 42 ] BBC Scotland broadcast the video on 29 May 2007. [ 43 ] STV News' North Tonight aired the footage on 28 May 2007 and interviewed Holmes. Shine juga menggambarkan rekaman sebagai salah "rekaman terbaik [dia] pernah melihat." [42] BBC Skotlandia menyiarkan video pada tanggal 29 Mei 2007. [43] STV 'Utara News Tonight ditayangkan rekaman pada tanggal 28 Mei 2007 dan mewawancarai Holmes . In this feature, Adrian Shine of the Loch Ness Centre was also interviewed and suggested that the footage in fact showed an otter, seal or water bird. [ 44 ] Dalam fitur ini, Adrian Shine dari Loch Ness Pusat juga diwawancarai dan menyarankan bahwa rekaman sebenarnya menunjukkan, segel atau air burung berang-berang. [44]
Holmes's credibility has been doubted by an article on the Cryptomundo website, [ 45 ] which states that he has a history of reporting sightings of cryptozoological creatures, and sells a self-published book and DVD claiming evidence for fairies . kredibilitas Holmes telah diragukan oleh sebuah artikel di Cryptomundo website, [45] yang menyatakan bahwa ia memiliki sejarah pelaporan penampakan cryptozoological makhluk, dan menjual-menerbitkan buku DVD mengklaim diri dan bukti untuk peri . His video also has no other objects for size comparison. [ 46 ] The Monster Quest team investigated this video as well in their TV episode "Death of Loch Ness", where they examine evidence that Nessie has died, as well as other photos. video-Nya juga tidak memiliki benda-benda lain untuk perbandingan ukuran. [46] The Quest Rakasa tim diselidiki video ini juga di episode TV mereka "Death of Loch Ness", di mana mereka memeriksa bukti bahwa Nessie telah meninggal, serta foto lain. A CNN news report showing the footage and an interview with Gordon Holmes is available here . Sebuah berita CNN laporan yang menunjukkan rekaman dan wawancara dengan Gordon Holmes tersedia di sini .

Searches for the monster Mencari rakasa yang

Sir Edward Mountain Expedition (1934) Ekspedisi Gunung Sir Edward (1934)

Having read the book by Gould, [ 14 ] Edward Mountain decided to finance a proper watch. Setelah membaca buku oleh Gould, [14] Edward Gunung memutuskan untuk membiayai sebuah jam tangan yang tepat. Twenty men with binoculars and cameras positioned themselves around the Loch from 9 am to 6 pm, for five weeks starting 13 July 1934. Dua puluh laki-laki dengan teropong dan kamera memposisikan diri di sekitar Loch 09:00-6:00, selama lima minggu sejak 13 Juli 1934. Some 21 photographs were taken, though none was considered conclusive. 21 Beberapa foto yang diambil, walaupun tidak ada yang dianggap konklusif. Captain James Fraser was employed as a supervisor, and remained by the Loch afterwards, taking cine film (which is now lost) on 15 September 1934. [ 47 ] When viewed by zoologists and professors of natural history it was concluded that it showed a seal, possibly a grey seal. [ 48 ] Kapten James Fraser bekerja sebagai seorang supervisor, dan tetap oleh Loch setelah itu, mengambil film cine (yang sekarang hilang) pada tanggal 15 September 1934. [47] Ketika dilihat oleh ahli zoologi dan profesor sejarah alam disimpulkan bahwa itu menunjukkan segel , mungkin sebuah segel abu-abu. [48]

Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau (1962–1972) Loch Ness Fenomena Biro Investigasi (1962-1972)

The Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau (LNPIB) was a UK-based society formed in 1962 "to study Loch Ness to identify the creature known as the Loch Ness Monster or determine the causes of reports of it." [ citation needed ] It later shortened the name to Loch Ness Investigation Bureau (LNIB). Loch Ness Biro Investigasi Fenomena (LNPIB) adalah berbasis masyarakat Inggris dibentuk pada 1962 untuk belajar Loch Ness untuk mengidentifikasi makhluk yang dikenal sebagai Loch Ness atau Rakasa menentukan penyebab laporan itu. "[" diperlukan kutipan ] Ini kemudian disingkat nama untuk Loch Ness Biro Investigasi (LNIB). It closed in 1972. Ditutup pada tahun 1972. The society had an annual subscription charge, which covered administration. Masyarakat memiliki biaya berlangganan tahunan, yang mencakup administrasi. Its main activity was for groups of self-funded volunteers to watch the loch from various vantage points, equipped with cine cameras with telescopic lenses. Kegiatan utamanya adalah untuk kelompok relawan yang didanai diri untuk menonton danau dari berbagai titik pandang, dilengkapi dengan kamera cine dengan lensa teleskopis. Its founders included MP David James and naturalist Peter Scott . Pendirinya termasuk MP David James dan naturalis Peter Scott . From 1965 to 1972 it had a caravan camp and main watching platform at Achnahannet , and sent observers to other locations up and down the loch. [ 49 ] According to the 1969 Annual Report of the Bureau, [ 50 ] it had 1,030 members, of whom 588 were from the UK. Dari tahun 1965 sampai 1972 memiliki perkemahan karavan dan platform menonton utama di Achnahannet , dan dikirim pengamat ke lokasi lain atas dan ke bawah danau. [49] Menurut Laporan Tahunan tahun 1969 dari Biro, [50] itu 1.030 anggota, 588 yang berasal dari Inggris. Its directors were listed as Norman Collins (Chairman), Lord Craigmyle, Prof. Its direksi telah terdaftar sebagai Norman Collins (Ketua), Tuhan Craigmyle, Prof Roy P. Mackal , RSR Fitter , David James, MP , and Peter Scott . Roy P. Mackal , Fitter RSR , David James, MP , dan Peter Scott .

LNPIB sonar study (1967–1968) LNPIB sonar studi (1967-1968)

Professor D. Gordon Tucker, chairman of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Birmingham , England, volunteered his services as a sonar developer and expert at Loch Ness in 1968. Profesor Gordon D. Tucker, ketua Departemen Elektronik dan Teknik Elektro di Universitas Birmingham , Inggris, jasa sukarela sebagai sonar pengembang dan ahli di Loch Ness pada tahun 1968. The gesture was part of a larger effort helmed by the LNPIB from 1967–1968 and involved collaboration between volunteers and professionals in various fields. gerakan ini adalah bagian dari upaya yang lebih besar helmed oleh LNPIB from 1967-1968 dan kolaborasi yang terlibat antara relawan dan profesional di berbagai bidang. Tucker had chosen Loch Ness as the test site for a prototype sonar transducer with a maximum range of 800 m (2,600 ft). Tucker telah memilih Loch Ness sebagai tempat ujian bagi transduser sonar prototipe dengan jangkauan maksimum 800 m (2.600 kaki). The device was fixed underwater at Temple Pier in Urquhart Bay and directed towards the opposite shore, effectively drawing an acoustic 'net' across the width of Ness through which no moving object could pass undetected. Perangkat ini tetap di bawah air di Temple Dermaga di Teluk Urquhart dan diarahkan ke pantai seberang, efektif menggambar 'bersih' akustik di lebar Ness melalui objek yang tidak bergerak bisa lulus tidak terdeteksi. During the two-week trial in August, multiple animate targets 6 m (20 ft) in length were identified ascending from and diving to the loch bottom. Selama persidangan dua minggu pada bulan Agustus, beberapa menghidupkan target 6 m (20 kaki) panjangnya diidentifikasi naik dari dan menyelam ke dasar danau. Analysis of diving profiles ruled out air-breathers because the targets never surfaced or moved shallower than midwater. Analisis profil menyelam dikesampingkan udara bernapas karena target tidak pernah muncul atau dipindahkan dangkal dari midwater. A brief press release by LNPIB and associates touched on the sonar data and drew to a close the 1968 effort: Siaran pers singkat oleh LNPIB dan asosiasi menyentuh pada data sonar dan menarik untuk menutup usaha 1968:
The answer to the question of whether or not unusual phenomena exist in Loch Ness, Scotland, and if so, what their nature might be, was advanced a step forward during 1968, as a result of sonar experiments conducted by a team of scientists under the direction of D. Gordon Tucker... Jawaban atas pertanyaan apakah atau tidak fenomena yang biasa ada di Loch Ness, Skotlandia, dan jika demikian, apa sifat mereka mungkin, adalah langkah maju maju selama 1968, sebagai akibat dari percobaan sonar yang dilakukan oleh tim ilmuwan di bawah arah Gordon D. Tucker ... Professor Tucker reported that his fixed beam sonar made contact with large moving objects sometimes reaching speeds of at least 10 knots (19 km/h; 12 mph). Profesor Tucker melaporkan bahwa sonar balok nya tetap melakukan kontak dengan objek bergerak yang besar kadang-kadang mencapai kecepatan minimal 10 knot (19 km / jam; 12 mph). He concluded that the objects are clearly animals and ruled out the possibility that they could be ordinary fish. Dia menyimpulkan bahwa benda yang jelas hewan dan mengesampingkan kemungkinan bahwa mereka bisa ikan biasa. He stated: "The high rate of ascent and descent makes it seem very unlikely that they could be fish, and fishery biologists we have consulted cannot suggest what fish they might be. It is a temptation to suppose they might be the fabulous Loch Ness monsters, now observed for the first time in their underwater activities!" Dia menyatakan: "Tingginya tingkat pendakian dan keturunan membuatnya tampak sangat tidak mungkin bahwa mereka bisa ikan, dan perikanan biologi kami telah berkonsultasi tidak dapat menyarankan apa ikan mereka mungkin itu adalah godaan untuk menganggap mereka mungkin Loch monster menakjubkan Ness. , sekarang diamati untuk pertama kalinya dalam kegiatan bawah air mereka! "

Andrew Carroll's sonar study (1969) Andrew Carroll sonar studi (1969)

In 1969 Andrew Carroll, field researcher for the New York Aquarium in New York City, proposed a mobile sonar scan operation at Loch Ness. Pada tahun 1969 Andrew Carroll, lapangan peneliti dari New York Aquarium di New York City, mengusulkan scan sonar mobile operasi di Loch Ness. The project was funded by the Griffis foundation (named for Nixon Griffis, then a director of the aquarium). Proyek ini didanai oleh yayasan Griffis (dinamai Nixon Griffis, maka direktur akuarium). This was the tail-end (and most successful portion) of the LNPIB's 1969 effort involving submersibles with biopsy harpoons. Ini adalah ekor-akhir (dan sukses sebagian besar) dari yang 1969 usaha LNPIB melibatkan submersibles dengan biopsi tombak. The trawling scan, in Carroll's research launch Rangitea , took place in October. trawl scan, dalam peluncuran penelitian Carroll Rangitea, berlangsung pada bulan Oktober. One sweep of the loch made contact with a strong, animate echo for nearly three minutes just north of Foyers. Satu sapuan danau melakukan kontak dengan kuat, menghidupkan echo selama hampir tiga menit di utara foyers. The identity of the contact remains a mystery. Identitas kontak masih merupakan misteri. Later analysis determined that the intensity of the returning echo was twice as great as that expected from a 10-foot (3 m) pilot whale . Kemudian analisis menentukan bahwa intensitas echo kembali dua kali lebih besar seperti yang diharapkan dari sebuah 3 m) 10 kaki ( paus pilot . On returning to the University of Chicago, biologist Roy Mackal and colleagues subjected the sonar data to greater scrutiny and confirmed dimensions of 20 feet (6 m). Saat kembali ke Universitas Chicago, biologi Roy Mackal dan rekan dikenakan data sonar untuk pengawasan yang lebih besar dan dikonfirmasi dimensi 20 kaki (6 m).

Submersible investigations Submersible investigasi

Earlier submersible work had yielded dismal results. Sebelumnya bekerja submersible telah memberikan hasil yang menyedihkan. Under the sponsorship of World Book Encyclopedia , pilot Dan Taylor deployed the Viperfish at Loch Ness on 1 June 1969. Di bawah sponsor World Book Encyclopedia , pilot Dan Taylor dikerahkan di Viperfish di Loch Ness pada tanggal 1 Juni 1969. His dives were plagued by technical problems and produced no new data. penyelaman Nya diganggu oleh masalah teknis dan tidak menghasilkan data baru. The Deep Star III built by General Dynamics and an unnamed two-man submersible built by Westinghouse were scheduled to sail but never did. The Deep Star III dibangun oleh General Dynamics dan dua kapal selam yang tidak disebutkan namanya-orang yang dibangun oleh Westinghouse dijadwalkan untuk berlayar tetapi tidak pernah melakukannya. It was only when the Pisces arrived at Ness that the LNPIB obtained new data. Barulah ketika tiba di Ness Pisces bahwa LNPIB diperoleh data baru. Owned by Vickers, Ltd. , the submersible had been rented out to produce The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes , a film featuring a dummy Loch Ness Monster. Dimiliki oleh Vickers, Ltd , kapal selam telah disewakan untuk menghasilkan Kehidupan Pribadi Sherlock Holmes , film yang menampilkan Loch Ness Rakasa dummy. When the dummy monster broke loose from the Pisces during filming and sank to the bottom of the loch, Vickers executives capitalised on the loss and 'monster fever' by allowing the sub to do a bit of exploring. Ketika rakasa dummy pecah dari Pisces selama pembuatan film dan tenggelam ke dasar danau, eksekutif Vickers memanfaatkan kerugian dan 'demam rakasa' dengan membiarkan sub untuk melakukan sedikit eksplorasi. During one of these excursions, the Pisces picked up a large moving object on sonar 200 feet (60 m) ahead and 50 feet (15 m) above the bottom of the loch. Dalam salah satu kunjungan tersebut, para Pisces mengambil objek bergerak besar di sonar 200 kaki (60 m) di depan dan 50 kaki (15 m) di atas bagian bawah danau. Slowly the pilot closed to half that distance but the echo moved rapidly out of sonar range and disappeared. Perlahan pilot ditutup sampai setengah jarak itu tapi gema bergerak cepat di luar jangkauan sonar dan menghilang.

"Big Expedition" of 1970 "Big Ekspedisi" Tahun 1970

During the so-called "Big Expedition" of 1970, Roy Mackal , a biologist who taught for 20 years at the University of Chicago , devised a system of hydrophones (underwater microphones) and deployed them at intervals throughout the loch. Selama apa yang disebut "Big Ekspedisi" Tahun 1970, Roy Mackal , seorang ahli biologi yang mengajar selama 20 tahun di Universitas Chicago , merancang sistem hydrophones (mikrofon bawah air) dan dikerahkan mereka pada interval sepanjang danau. In early August a hydrophone assembly was lowered into Urquhart Bay and anchored in 700 feet (210 m) of water. Pada awal Agustus majelis hidrofon diturunkan ke Teluk Urquhart dan berlabuh di 700 kaki (210 m) air. Two hydrophones were secured at depths of 300 and 600 feet (180 m). Dua hydrophones dijamin pada kedalaman 300 dan 600 kaki (180 m). After two nights of recording, the tape (sealed inside a 44 gallon drum along with the system's other sensitive components) was retrieved and played before an excited LNPIB. Setelah dua malam rekaman, pita (disegel di dalam galon 44 drum bersama dengan Teman-lain sensitif komponen sistem tersebut) itu diambil dan dimainkan sebelum LNPIB bersemangat. "Bird-like chirps" had been recorded, and the intensity of the chirps on the deep hydrophone suggested they had been produced at greater depth. "Celetuk Burung-seperti" telah direkam, dan intensitas celetuk pada hidrofon dalam menyarankan mereka telah diproduksi di kedalaman lebih besar. In October "knocks" and "clicks" were recorded by another hydrophone in Urquhart Bay, indicative of echolocation . Pada bulan Oktober "mengetuk" dan "klik" telah dicatat oleh lain hidrofon di Teluk Urquhart, indikasi echolocation . These sounds were followed by a "turbulent swishing" suggestive of the tail locomotion of a large aquatic animal. Suara ini diikuti oleh sebuah "desah bergolak" sugestif dari penggerak ekor hewan air besar. The knocks, clicks and resultant swishing were believed were the sounds of an animal echo-locating prey before moving in for the kill. Mengetuk, klik dan desah resultan diyakini adalah suara binatang echo-lokasi mangsa sebelum bergerak untuk membunuh. The noises stopped whenever craft passed along the surface of the loch near the hydrophone, and resumed once the craft reached a safe distance. Suara-suara berhenti ketika pesawat melewati sepanjang permukaan danau dekat hidrofon, dan dilanjutkan setelah pesawat mencapai jarak aman. In previous experiments, it was observed that call intensities were greatest at depths less than 100 feet (30 m). Dalam percobaan sebelumnya, ia mengamati bahwa intensitas panggilan yang terbesar pada kedalaman kurang dari 100 kaki (30 m). Members of the LNPIB decided to attempt communication with the animals producing the calls by playing back previously recorded calls into the water and listening via hydrophone for results, which varied greatly. Anggota LNPIB memutuskan untuk mencoba komunikasi dengan binatang menghasilkan panggilan dengan memainkan kembali panggilan sebelumnya dicatat ke dalam air dan mendengarkan melalui hidrofon untuk hasil yang sangat bervariasi. At times the calling patterns or intensities changed, but sometimes there was no change at all. Pada saat pola memanggil atau intensitas berubah, tapi kadang-kadang tidak ada perubahan sama sekali. Mackal noted that there was no similarity between the recordings and the hundreds of known sounds produced by aquatic animals. Mackal mencatat bahwa tidak ada kesamaan antara rekaman dan ratusan suara yang dikenal dan diproduksi oleh hewan air. "More specifically," he said, "competent authorities state that none of the known forms of life in the loch has the anatomical capabilities of producing such calls." [ citation needed ] "Lebih khusus lagi," katanya, "kompeten otoritas negara bahwa tidak ada bentuk-bentuk yang dikenal hidup di danau memiliki kemampuan anatomi memproduksi panggilan tersebut." [ kutipan diperlukan ]

Robert Rines's studies (1972, 1975, 2001 and 2008) Robert Rines's studi (1972, 1975, 2001 dan 2008)

In the early 1970s, a group of people led by Robert H. Rines obtained some underwater photographs. Pada awal 1970-an, sekelompok orang yang dipimpin oleh Robert H. Rines diperoleh beberapa foto bawah air. Two were rather vague images, perhaps of a rhomboid flipper (though others have dismissed the image as air bubbles or a fish fin). Dua orang gambar agak kabur, mungkin dari sirip genjang (meskipun orang lain telah menolak foto sebagai gelembung udara atau sirip ikan). The alleged flipper was photographed in different positions, indicating movement. Sirip dugaan difoto pada posisi yang berbeda, menunjukkan gerakan. One of the flipper photos is available here . Salah satu foto sirip tersedia di sini . On the basis of these photographs, British naturalist Peter Scott announced in 1975 that the scientific name of the monster would henceforth be Nessiteras rhombopteryx (Greek for "The Ness monster with diamond-shaped fin"). [ 51 ] Scott intended that this would enable Nessie to be added to a British register of officially protected wildlife. Scottish politician Nicholas Fairbairn pointed out that the name was an anagram for "Monster hoax by Sir Peter S". [ 52 ] [ 53 ]
The underwater photos were reportedly obtained by painstakingly examining the loch depths with sonar for unusual underwater activity. Rines knew the water was murky and filled with floating wood and peat, so he made precautions to avoid it. A submersible camera with an affixed, high-powered flood light (necessary for penetrating Loch Ness's notorious murk) was deployed to record images below the surface. If he detected anything on the sonar, he would turn the lights on and take some pictures. Several of the photographs, despite their obviously murky quality, did indeed seem to show an animal resembling a plesiosaur in various positions and lightings. One photograph appeared to show the head, neck and upper torso of a plesiosaur-like animal. The body photo can be seen here . A rarely publicised photograph depicted two plesiosaur-like bodies. Another photo seemed to depict a horned "gargoyle head", consistent to that of several sightings of the monster. Some believe the latter was a tree stump found during Operation Deepscan. [ citation needed ] The head photo can be seen here .
A few close-ups of what would be the creature's diamond-shaped fin were taken in different positions, as though the creature was moving. But the "flipper photograph" has been highly retouched from the original image. The Museum of Hoaxes shows the original unenhanced photo. Team member Charles Wyckoff claimed that someone retouched the photo to superimpose the flipper, and that the original enhancement showed a much smaller flipper. No one is sure how the original came to be enhanced. [ 54 ]
On 8 August 1972, Rines' Raytheon DE-725C sonar unit, operating at a frequency of 200 kHz and anchored in Ness at a depth of 35 feet (11 m), identified a moving target (or targets) estimated by echo strength to be 20 to 30 feet (6 to 9 m) in length. Pada tanggal 8 Agustus 1972, Rines ' Raytheon DE-725C sonar unit, beroperasi pada frekuensi 200 kHz dan berlabuh di Ness pada kedalaman 35 kaki (11 m), mengidentifikasi sasaran bergerak (atau target) diperkirakan oleh echo kekuatan untuk 20 sampai 30 kaki (6 sampai 9 m) panjangnya. Specialists from Raytheon, Simrad (now Kongsberg Maritime ), and Hydroacoustics, Inc.; Marty Klein of MIT and Klein Associates (a producer of side scan sonar); and Dr. Ira Dyer of MIT's Department of Ocean Engineering were all on hand to examine the data and come to this conclusion. Spesialis dari Raytheon, Simrad (sekarang Kongsberg Maritim ), dan Hydroacoustics, Inc; Marty Klein dari MIT dan Klein Associates (produsen sisi scan sonar), dan Dr Ira Dyer dari MIT Departemen Teknik Kelautan semuanya di tangan untuk memeriksa data dan sampai pada kesimpulan ini. Further, P. Skitzki of Raytheon suggested that the data showed a protuberance, 10 feet (3 m) in length, projecting from one of the echoes. Selanjutnya, P. Skitzki dari Raytheon menyarankan bahwa data menunjukkan tonjolan, 10 kaki (3 m) panjang, memproyeksikan dari salah satu gema. Mackal proposed that the shape was a "highly flexible laterally flattened tail" or the misinterpreted return from two animals swimming together. [ 55 ] Mackal mengusulkan bahwa bentuk adalah "ekor rata sangat fleksibel lateral" atau kembali disalahtafsirkan dari dua hewan berenang bersama-sama. [55]
In 2001, the Robert Rines' Academy of Applied Science videoed a powerful V-shaped wake traversing the still water on a calm day. Pada tahun 2001, Robert Rines 'Akademi Sains Terapan videoed sebuah bangun berbentuk V-kuat melintasi air masih di hari tenang. The AAS also videotaped an object on the floor of the loch resembling a carcass, found marine clam-shells and a fungus not normally found in fresh water lochs, which they suggest gives some connection to the sea and a possible entry for Nessie. [ 56 ] AAS juga merekam objek di lantai Loch menyerupai bangkai, ditemukan kerang-kerang laut dan jamur tidak biasanya ditemukan di danau air tawar, yang mereka menyarankan memberikan beberapa sambungan ke laut dan entri yang mungkin untuk Nessie. [56 ]
In 2008, Rines theorised that the monster may have become extinct , citing the lack of significant sonar readings and a decline in eyewitness accounts. Pada tahun 2008, Rines berteori bahwa rakasa mungkin telah menjadi punah , mengutip kurangnya pembacaan sonar yang signifikan dan penurunan saksi mata. Rines undertook one last expedition to look for remains of the monster, using sonar and underwater camera in an attempt to find a carcass. Rines melakukan satu ekspedisi terakhir untuk mencari sisa-sisa rakasa, menggunakan sonar dan kamera bawah air dalam upaya untuk menemukan bangkai. Rines believes that the creature may have failed to adapt to temperature changes as a result of global warming . [ 57 ] Rines percaya bahwa makhluk itu mungkin gagal untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan suhu sebagai akibat pemanasan global . [57]

Operation Deep Scan (1987) Operasi Deep Scan (1987)

In 1987, Operation Deepscan, the biggest sonar exploration of Loch Ness, [ citation needed ] took place. Pada tahun 1987, Operasi Deepscan, eksplorasi sonar terbesar Loch Ness, [ rujukan? ] terjadi. Twenty-four boats equipped with echosounder equipment were deployed across the whole width of the loch and they simultaneously sent out acoustic waves. Dua puluh empat perahu yang dilengkapi dengan echosounder tetap telah dikerahkan di seluruh lebar danau dan mereka secara bersamaan dikirim keluar gelombang akustik. BBC News reported that the scientists had made sonar contact with a large unidentified object of unusual size and strength. BBC News melaporkan bahwa para ilmuwan telah melakukan kontak sonar dengan benda yang tidak teridentifikasi besar ukuran yang tidak biasa dan kekuatan. The researchers decided to return to the same spot and re-scan the area. Para peneliti memutuskan untuk kembali ke tempat yang sama dan re-scan daerah tersebut. After analysing the echosounder images, it seemed to point to debris at the bottom of the loch, although three of the pictures were of moving debris. Setelah menganalisa gambar echosounder, tampaknya untuk menunjuk ke puing-puing di dasar danau, walaupun tiga gambar yang bergerak puing-puing. Shine speculates that they could be seals that got into the loch, since they would be of about the same magnitude as the objects detected. [ 58 ] Bersinar berspekulasi bahwa mereka bisa segel yang masuk ke danau, karena mereka akan menjadi tentang besarnya sama dengan objek yang terdeteksi. [58]
Darrell Lowrance, sonar expert and founder of Lowrance Electronics , donated a number of echosounder units used during Operation Deepscan. Darrell Lowrance, sonar ahli dan pendiri Lowrance Electronics , menyumbangkan sejumlah unit echosounder digunakan selama Operasi Deepscan. After examining the echogram data, specifically a sonar return revealing a large moving object near Urquhart Bay at a depth of 600 feet (180 m), Lowrance said: "There's something here that we don't understand, and there's something here that's larger than a fish, maybe some species that hasn't been detected before. I don't know." [ 59 ] Setelah memeriksa data echogram, khususnya kembali sonar mengungkapkan objek bergerak besar di dekat Urquhart Bay pada kedalaman 600 kaki (180 m), Lowrance berkata: "Ada sesuatu di sini yang kita tidak mengerti, dan ada sesuatu di sini yang lebih besar dari ikan, mungkin beberapa spesies yang belum terdeteksi sebelumnya.. Saya tidak tahu " [59]

Discovery Loch Ness (1993) Discovery Loch Ness (1993)

In 1993 Discovery Communications began to research the ecology of the loch. Pada tahun 1993 Discovery Communications mulai penelitian ekologi danau. The study did not focus entirely on the monster, but on the loch's nematodes (of which a new species was discovered) and fish. Studi ini tidak berfokus sepenuhnya pada rakasa, tapi di Loch's nematoda (dari mana suatu spesies baru ditemukan) dan ikan. Expecting to find a small fish population, the researchers caught twenty fish in one catch, increasing previous estimates of the loch's fish population about ninefold. Mengharapkan untuk menemukan populasi ikan kecil, para peneliti menangkap dua puluh ikan di dalam satu tangkapan, meningkatkan perkiraan sebelumnya populasi ikan Loch tentang sembilan kali lipat.
Using sonar, the team encountered a kind of underwater disturbance (called a seiche ) due to stored energy (such as from a wind) causing an imbalance between the loch's warmer and colder layers (known as the thermocline ). Menggunakan sonar, tim mengalami jenis gangguan bawah air (disebut seiche ) karena energi yang tersimpan (misalnya dari angin) yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan antara Loch's lebih hangat dan dingin lapisan tersebut (dikenal sebagai termoklin ). While reviewing printouts of the event the next day, they found what appeared to be three sonar contacts, each followed by a powerful wake. Ketika meninjau hasil cetak dari acara keesokan harinya, mereka menemukan apa yang tampak seperti kontak sonar tiga, masing-masing diikuti dengan bangun kuat. These events were later shown on a program called Loch Ness Discovered , in conjunction with analyses and enhancements of the 1960 Dinsdale Film, the Surgeon's Photo, and the Rines Flipper Photo. Peristiwa ini kemudian ditampilkan pada sebuah program bernama Loch Ness Ditemukan, dalam hubungannya dengan analisis dan perangkat tambahan dari 1960 Dinsdale Film, yang Surgeon's Photo, dan Rines Flipper Foto.

Searching for the Loch Ness Monster BBC (2003) Pencarian untuk BBC Rakasa Loch Ness (2003)

In 2003, the BBC sponsored a full search of the Loch using 600 separate sonar beams and satellite tracking. Pada tahun 2003, BBC mensponsori pencarian lengkap dari Loch menggunakan 600 sonar terpisah balok dan pelacakan satelit. The search had enough resolution to pick up a small buoy. Pencarian sudah resolusi yang cukup untuk mengambil sebuah pelampung kecil. No animal of any substantial size was found whatsoever and despite high hopes, the scientists involved in the expedition admitted that this essentially proved the Loch Ness monster was only a myth. [ 60 ] Tidak ada hewan dari berbagai ukuran substansial ditemukan apapun dan meskipun harapan tinggi, para ilmuwan yang terlibat dalam ekspedisi mengakui bahwa ini membuktikan dasarnya Loch Ness rakasa hanya mitos. [60]

Explanations Penjelasan

A variety of explanations have been postulated over the years to account for sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. Berbagai penjelasan telah didalilkan selama bertahun-tahun untuk menjelaskan penampakan dari Rakasa Loch Ness. These may be categorised as: misidentifications of common animals; misidentifications of inanimate objects or effects; reinterpretations of traditional Scottish folklore; hoaxes ; and exotic species of large animals. Ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai: misidentifications hewan yang sama; misidentifications dari benda mati atau efek; reinterpretations cerita rakyat Skotlandia tradisional, hoax , dan spesies eksotik hewan besar.

Misidentification of common animals Kesalahan identifikasi hewan umum

Bird wakes Burung terbangun

There are wake sightings that occur when the loch is dead calm with no boat nearby. Ada membangunkan penampakan yang terjadi ketika danau tenang mati dengan perahu tanpa dekatnya. A bartender named David Munro claims to have witnessed a wake he believed was a creature zigzagging, diving, and reappearing. Seorang bartender bernama David Munro mengaku telah menyaksikan bangun ia percaya adalah makhluk zig-zag, menyelam, dan muncul kembali. (There were 26 other witnesses from a nearby car park.) [ 54 ] Some sightings describe the onset of a V-shaped wake, as if there were something underwater. [ 56 ] Moreover, many wake sightings describe something not conforming to the shape of a boat. [ 35 ] Under dead calm conditions, a creature too small to be visible to the naked eye can leave a clear v-shaped wake. (Ada 26 saksi lainnya dari tempat parkir di dekatnya.) [54] Beberapa penampakan menggambarkan awal dari bangun berbentuk V, seolah-olah ada sesuatu di bawah air. [56] Selain itu, penampakan banyak bangun menggambarkan sesuatu yang tidak sesuai dengan bentuk perahu. [35] Dalam kondisi tenang mati, makhluk terlalu kecil untuk dapat dilihat dengan mata telanjang dapat meninggalkan sebuah bangun berbentuk v yang jelas. In particular, a group of swimming birds can give a wake and the appearance of an object. Secara khusus, sekelompok burung berenang dapat memberikan bangun dan penampilan sebuah obyek. A group of birds can leave the water and then land again, giving a sequence of wakes like an object breaking the surface, which Dick Raynor says is a possible explanation for his film. [ 61 ] Sekelompok burung dapat meninggalkan air dan kemudian tanah lagi, memberikan urutan bangun seperti obyek melanggar permukaan, yang Dick Raynor mengatakan adalah penjelasan yang mungkin untuk film. [61]

Eels Belut

A giant eel was actually one of the first suggestions made. [ 13 ] Eels are found in Loch Ness, and an unusually large eel would fit many sightings. Sebuah raksasa belut sebenarnya salah satu saran pertama yang dibuat. [13] Belut ditemukan di Loch Ness, dan belut yang luar biasa besar akan cocok penampakan banyak. This has been described as a conservative explanation. [ 62 ] Eels are not known to protrude swanlike from the water and thus would not account for the head and neck sightings. [ 63 ] [ 64 ] Dinsdale dismissed the proposal because eels move in a side-to-side undulation. [ 65 ] Ini telah digambarkan sebagai penjelasan yang konservatif. [62] Belut tidak diketahui untuk menonjol swanlike dari air dan dengan demikian tidak akan memperhitungkan penampakan kepala dan leher. [63] [64] Dinsdale menolak usulan tersebut karena belut bergerak dalam sisi -ke sisi berundulasi-. [65]
On 2 May 2001, two conger eels were found on the shore of the loch; however, as conger eels are saltwater animals and Loch Ness is a freshwater body of water, it is believed that they were put there to be seen as "Mini-Nessies". [ 66 ] Pada tanggal 2 Mei 2001, dua belut remang ditemukan di tepi danau, namun sebagai remang belut adalah binatang laut dan Loch Ness merupakan badan air tawar air, diyakini bahwa mereka di sana untuk dilihat sebagai "Mini- Nessies ". [66]

Elephant Gajah

In a 1979 article, California biologist Dennis Power and geographer Donald Johnson claimed that the Surgeon's Photograph was in fact the top of the head, extended trunk and flared nostrils of a swimming elephant, probably photographed elsewhere and claimed to be from Loch Ness. [ 67 ] In 2006, palaeontologist and artist Neil Clark similarly suggested that travelling circuses might have allowed elephants to refresh themselves in the loch and that the trunk could therefore be the head and neck, with the elephant's head and back providing the humps. Dalam sebuah artikel tahun 1979, California biologi Dennis Power dan geografi Donald Johnson mengklaim bahwa surgeon's Foto ternyata bagian atas kepala, batang diperpanjang dan lubang hidung melebar dari gajah berenang, mungkin difoto di tempat lain dan diklaim sebagai dari Loch Ness. [67 ] Pada tahun 2006, paleontologis dan artis Neil Clark juga menyarankan bahwa Sirkus perjalanan mungkin telah memungkinkan gajah untuk menyegarkan diri dalam danau dan bahwa bagasi sehingga bisa menjadi kepala dan leher, dengan kepala gajah dan belakang menyediakan gundukan. In support of this he provided a painting. [ 68 ] Untuk mendukung hal ini ia memberikan lukisan. [68]

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